This is a self–help book designed for students working alone who want to revise and expand their vocabulary.
The principal aim of this updated and enlarged edition is to help all English learners build a superior vocabulary and prepare for international English tests like IELTS, TOEFL and even Ph.D exams. It is also suitable for advanced students or those studying English for academic purposes.
This book contains 1300 essential words presented in alphabetical order, each word includes 2 sample sentences from certified and well-managed sources, reputable newspapers and sites including:
bloomberg.com/ time.com/ foxnews.com/ cnn.com/ telegraph.co.uk/ economist.com/ guardian.co.uk / suntimes.com/ dailyherald.com / the atlantic.com/ independent.co.uk / sciencedaily.com / newscientist.com / washingtontimes.com / businessweek.com / en.wikipedia.org / sentencedict.com / use–in–a–sentence.com / wordsinasentence.com / Longman Dictionary / Cambridge Dictionary / Merriam Webster Dictionary / Essential words for IELTS / Vocablulary for IELTS.
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